Q. 1. Why do we stress the term ‘Forward to Nature’ (instead of the usual ‘back to nature’)?
Going ‘back’ to nature would mean stepping into conditions where science, technology, machines, automation, etc., were not yet developed and introduced. Obviously, we cannot go ‘back’ to that stages now, it would be extremely harmful to mankind, considering the immensely increased number of people all over the world which have to be cared for, food-wise and in many other aspects. Going forward visualizes balance and harmony as blend of, or convergences of science and technology with protection of natural resources, and the ability to have viable investment opportunities with employment. Here, the biodiversity of nature with all its wide resources are utilized in a non-exploitative manner. The concept of Sarvodaya, or sustainable positive development of all becomes a vision in action.
The Covid-19 worldwide disaster clarified that the centralized, urbanized, highly mechanized, greed- and profit-driven industrialization and ‘development’ indices (like obsession with GDP, etc.) have brought us to the brink of extinction.
Now, all these challenges exhort us to re-examine, re-prioritize or rе engineer our development systems. The think tanks or planners, or shapers of destiny of nations, the ‘brainstormers’, must now think beyond and go forward to nature, or they must be forced to do so. The solutions are ting the Unmarketed, and comparatively simple: Marketing sustainable holistic development from there. create
Q. 2. Have the UN, Human Rights Institutions and the “New International Economic Order” made an impact at all?
“Since the analyses will clearly show the utter failure of all the objectives enshrined in preambles, statutes, resolutions, our effort now is to question and analyse these in a holistic manner, resulting not only in the fact that no efforts for implementation in earnest were ever undertaken, but that eventual attempts were seriously destroyed by the vested interests. The official purpose for which all these states and super-states were created have hardly been fulfilled, but their contributions consisted finally in evolving anti-nature systems to the advantage of a few in the name of “strengthening economy” with the aim of “welfare for all” which is the biggest deceit of all! Presently, the irresponsible dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic by blindly lifting necessary restrictions for containing the virus shows clearly that economic gains (for a few) are far more important than human lives.
Q. 3. How are health, wealth, happiness, positive development, win-win for all, etc., holistically linked?
a. Lack of holistic, people-centric policies and miserable implementation of policies have created an almost unliveable, risky, unsustainable world.
b. Since all systems are holistically interlinked – whether visible or invisible, the existing systems of “development”/governments which are highly compartmentalized, create all the disastrous conditions.
c. Body, mind and psyche are interlinked the same way; not only the level of inner balance is dependent on the overall living conditions, but also human activities. It makes a big difference
- UN-Resolutions in the 1970ieth, Club of Rome Agreements, Kyoto Protocol (1997), Copenhagen Climate Treaty (2009), Paris Climate Treaty (2016), to name only a few of the many agreements and treaties which were totally neglected and violated by the signatories-without consequences by the UNO.
[08/02, 16:26] Vinod Chamoli: if people do not take care of others and are only focused on their own well-being.
d. Despite warnings by competent experts: if all efforts to link holistically are failing, it is a matter of grave concern.
e. The Corona threat against all mankind, the Climate Emergency (still denied by many so-called world leaders and other decision-makers from industries, financial institutions and connected vested interests), the ever-widening income disparity, etc., are all holistically linked and thus, interdependent.
f. Logically, this interdependence leads to the present situation where those powers are dominant which act exclusively in the interest of their own profits, i.e. against the welfare of all, and against environment.