Had demanded the state of Uttarakhand to see these day.❓

Prem Prakash Upadhyay ‘Natural’


The, demand of Devbhoomi Uttarakhand was for employment. In view of the scarcity and limited means of employment in the hills, the people of Devbhoomi found this state through mass movement/ jan aandolan. It was expected that there would be its own people, the means of employment would increase. People expected improvement in their standard of living.

But the young state is so weak that it cannot even protect one of its daughters – asks thousands of questions at once. After all, who is responsible for this? This dastardly incident with Ankita which should not have happened, it is shameful, unacceptable. What is all this happening? It is important to know and understand this thing that even though the incident happened one day, it did not take a day for it to happen and become. Take several days. Take many people. Some were protected. Even in raising the wicked, nurturing, committing misdeeds. These series are not monomial , they are polynomials. Money, power, multiply them to be corrupted,errupted. Things are as clear as a mirror. Somewhere political, economic, personal interest has worked to advance such people. It is not that the police cannot solve the case, we have capable and efficient people, provided that our self-interest in making them work does not intersect.


Strict discipline can save us in this time of despair. Whether it is targeted in our methodology or in strategy. It is sad to see the state in this condition. The public is at very angry. How can irresponsible behavior, attitude, lack of service, lasciviousness separate the people from the state they were born in? Whether it is recruitment scam or any scandal, disappointment is slowly going to house the peoples. The voices of Nyaya Do(give justice) are resonating from every corner of the state. God is also surprised to see this color and contrast of Devbhoomi uttarakhand. The goddess sitting on the high Himalayas is not hiding from anyone what kind of juggling is making in the name of tourism from the deity.


If the people’s movement of Devbhoomi knows how to take its state right, then it also keeps the seeds of change in this movement.
The wrongdoers should be punished, whether it is recruitment scam or heinous scandal. But this punishment should also be seen without any stature, saddle. Only then can people have faith in the rulers. To strengthen this thread of faith, one has to rise above politics and work for the good and welfare of Uttarakhand with true heart, service, dedication and enthusiasm. (Writer has a long association with uttarakhand movement)


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