What are certain basics as global realities?



Considering the present global situation where shark-capitalism” with its cut-throat methods is domineering the worldwide economies, blackmailing and threatening into majorities becoming slaves of a few, we have to analyse how the people globally perceive their own conditions in life, and also the conditions and possible future of their respective countries. Is there positive thinking, enthusiasm for change, awareness, solidarity, and a strong civil society?

Even if we would have a fairly rational, science-oriented woridview. we may differ in what we understand as “reality”. Also, perception can play havoc with all of us if we are not clear about what we accept as “Reality”, and also, how we can avail of reliable information about what is going on in this world. The biggest problem is that of reliability in a time when practically everyone from serious thinker to the utter crackhead can spread information in the internet which may influence millions of people. A rational mindset, not disturbed by ideologies (religious or political) helps in keeping up a sound ability to differentiate “right” from “wrong”, but there is no recipe to speak of Fighting the rampant gullibility in our society would help, fighting superstitions and prejudices is a must if we want to progress towards reality as an overall conscience. On such a fundament, it will be easier to differentiate between “fake news” and facts

Of course, in Hindu philosophy we have the element of “Maya” which seems to contradict “Reality”, as some self-styled experts claim, but “Reality” is the only instrument human beings have to humanely

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